Friday, January 29, 2010

Learn WordPress Quickly!

Do you want to learn how to use WordPress today? If so, there are a few places worth checking out. Here is a link to a great guide that teaches you the basics:

If that wasn't enough, you can also browse our blog for even more tutorials relating to WordPress. We plan on adding a ton more in the upcoming weeks so stay tuned.

How To Install A WordPress Theme

Are you looking to learn how to install a WordPress theme? If so, you are in luck. In this tutorial, we are going to give you a quick lesson in adding templates.

The good news is that installing a theme is really, really easy. It will only take you a few minutes to get stated and you will quickly grasp it.

There are actually two different ways to install a theme. The first way is to manually install it using a FTP program. In other words, you have to take the theme files you downloaded and upload them into the WordPress themes folder. This folder is located inside the WP-Content folder.

The second way to install a theme is to use the built in function which is even easier. All you have to do is click on the "add new theme" button and WordPress will automatically let you choose the folder you downloaded. You can also search the theme directory and pick one you like.

As you can see, learning how to install a WordPress theme is a complete piece of cake. It only takes a minute or two and you can completely change the way you blog or website looks.

How To Work With Wordpress

One of the common questions people have is how to work with WordPress. In other words, what is the best way to approach the platform and use it to its full potential?

So here is our answer: Believe it or not, there is no right or wrong way to use WordPress. WordPress was started as a blogging platform, but it has since evolved into far more than that. It now acts as a CMS system, which allows you to manage content in many different ways.

The theme system has also been tweaked to the point where it is really easy to customize the look and design of your blogs and websites. You can literally learn how to install wordpress templates in minutes. It really is that simple.

Another thing WordPress is capable of is managing your photos. It does have a built in media library which makes uploading media really easy. If you are not happy with the built in media tools, you can also install a photo album plugin which will greatly enhance your photo galleries.

As you can see, how to work with WordPress is a very easy question since there is no specific answer.

Free WordPress Tutorials

It's no secret that WordPress is one of the most powerful blogging platforms out there. But did you know that it can also act as a CMS? In other words, you can use WordPress to build professional websites as well as blogs.

Since we love the platform so much, we have decided to launch this blog to share free tutorials on how to use WordPress.

Stay tuned for more updates!